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Semester I

Kimia (SK016)


1.0 Matter

2.0 Atomic Structure

3.0 Periodic Table

4.0 Chemical Bonding

5.0 States of Matter

6.0 Chemical Equilibrium

7.0 Ionic Equilibria




Semester 2

Kimia (SK026)


8.0 Reaction Kinetics

9.0 Thermochemistry

10.0 Electrochemistry

11.0 Introduction to Organic Chemistry

12.0 Hydrocarbons

13.0 Benzene and its Derivatives

14.0 Haloalkanes (Alkyl Halides)

15.0 Hydroxy Compounds

16.0 Carbonyl Compounds

17.0 Carboxylic and its Derivatives

18.0 Amines

19.0 Amino Acids

20. Polymers



Silibus Kimia
Semester 1 dan Semester 2


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